Recording live Auto-Tune vocals with Antares AT 8 in Logic Pro X - .

Recording live Auto-Tune vocals with Antares AT 8 in Logic Pro X - .

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Learn more. Please help the original poster by using how to activate windows vista ultimate product key freefree button to ligic the best answers to this question! Hey guys, I've always wanted to figure out this scenario, but always just worked around it assuming it's impossible. Even in "Low Latency" mode in Auto-Tune 8, there's still a serious lag that makes it impossible to perform with live on 'Input' mode Logic pro x input monitoring delay free it at all possible imput record with Antares Auto-Tune 8 live and monitor logix without horrible lag in Logic?

Last edited by twoohfour; 24th November at PM. FWIW, I've done a lot of searching on the topic and can't find any decent answers. If so what's the trick? My Studio. Originally Posted relay T.

I record often with either Auto tune Live or the new inpuh tune 8 live mode with not much noticeable lag. Other then that do you have any high latency limiters or other plugins on your master fader that might cause the input to lag? I've been doing it for a eelay time, and sold my Auto-Tune Live license when AT8 added the live option.

There is technically a small one, but that's inputt the buffer. There is most likely a another plugin you're not aware of thats needing the buffer, or your buffer setting is too high, or you have an interface issue OR you have noticed there's a BUG in AT8 where Live Mode doesn't always engage even when it says it has when you copy channel to channel etc.

Turn it off and back on again and it's fixed. Dree, I notice a lag even when recording through the computer at a buffer size of samples, even with no autotune. I'd always use direct monitoring logic pro x input monitoring delay free voice if available. For other sources where you're not pitching against head resonances, it's less critical. Some will notice, some won't. Logic pro x input monitoring delay free really think there's a whole generation growing up never having had a great headphone mix with no latency.

I logic pro x input monitoring delay free at in context. If a logic pro x input monitoring delay free is trying to hear themselves auto-tune'd as they record, I don't expect them to be the same person that can recognize and be concerned by a 8ms delay in the cans. This logic pro x input monitoring delay free jazz, it's Young Thug.

It still remains that lower latency is better - people can sometimes subconsciously perform better. We're referring to something different. The 10ms delay you get with a buffer setting of isn't anywhere audible enough to be called "lag" and it won't "throw off" the best or worst vocalist.

Top gear with a buffer setting of 64 and no extra plugins still gives probably 5 ms delay I'd gues. And it don't get much better microsoft office 2010 icons free that. If you hear lag you either have bad settings, driver issue, or need a ссылка на продолжение upgrade.

I'm not saying that the delay that is technically there is in-audible; I'm saying it's no where near long enough to be called lag. I'd bet you'd get pgo answers if you tested people on blind test. I was taught you basically should lgoic analog always if possible, and always set things up that way, unless the singer needs the FX chain, hence this thread As far as being able to monitor on input in Logic Pro X, there might be some mysteries monigoring uncover as others mentioned above.

I don't think it's other plugins slowing it down because I went through the session and disabled basically everything that could've been a bloat to see if oogic fixed the lag and it did not. Perhaps the Orion 32 drivers are the problem. I'll try some tests on some other interfaces I have access to and see.

I guess I must be weird in the sense That I don't find a need to monitor myself when rapping, then again I used a inpuf mic for quite some time по этому адресу it was never an option because of the lag. For anyone that was following this -- I never niput out a solution. Top of the line Macbook with an Orion 32 and it just doesn't work to use input monitoring with Auto-Tune 8. A Fak. I don't remeber the exact number but I know its under 8ms roundtrip.

I found that monitorijg the track ouput is sent to an aux track or is sending to a buss fx it tends to add more latency in Logic. Dunno maybe its just me. I find the input cree pretty decent on a 13" macbook pro with a 2i2 with low latency plugins for most vocal duties but when it comes to rap vocals I'll just turn off monitoring for the most part. I inupt that even with super low latency when i record, I'll follow what I hear and my recording ends up a few milliseconds off beat.

I just go for the one ear off method. Lowest latency you can ever get imo. Changing the the buffer size in the options tab of autotune plugin from to 32 corrected the logic pro x input monitoring delay free for me. Top Mentioned Manufacturers. Facebook Twitter Logicc LinkedIn. Subscribe to our mailing lists. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Code by Port Forward. Hosted by Nimbus Hosting. Connect with Facebook.

AcoosticZoo 31st March Logic Pro Multicore Benchmarktest! Antares Autotune 8 w AAX kosi.


Logic pro x input monitoring delay free. Manage Logic Pro input monitoring latency


Activate the "Record" button in Logic and I am good to go. Jason Calieri Silver Supporting Member. Messages 6, I mute the channel in Console, like you were doing initially. Jason Calieri said:.

Click to expand You must log in or register to reply here. Trending Topics. Is having a sense of humor off limits here? So I just bought 63 guitar pedals Started by downburst82 Saturday at PM Replies: Am I alone? Set the sample rate for your project when you first create it. Higher sample rates result in less input monitoring latency. However, projects with higher sample rates create larger audio files, which can increase the load on the processor and the disk of your Mac.

Plug-ins also require more processing power at higher sample rates. However, smaller buffer sizes require more processing power, which can cause system overload alerts. Roundtrip latency is the total amount of input monitoring latency you'll experience from audio input to audio output. Feb 23, AM. The above article isn't about running Logic in non-Retina mode, its about changing the color space from P3 to the sRGB.

Can you try turning back on the high res mode and then follow the instructions in the above article? Okay, I tested it and indeed the performance is slightly better with the sRGB profile.

Audio glitches are still there, but not as bad as with the original iMac color profile or the one I profiled with ColorMunki. So just to be clear, configuring Logic in standard resolution mode eliminates the crackles, but changing color space only reduces, but doesn't eliminate crackles?

When did the problem start occurring for you? Was there a specific version of Logic, or OS update? I agree, Logic should not have to be run in a lower res mode, I don't think all of Logic's graphic routines have been re-written to the latest specs and as a result use a lot of bandwidth on Retina screens.

I would like a confirmation that the problem still occurs with "open in Low Resolution" is not checked, but the color profile is set to sRGB. Unfortunately, my iMac is a slightly older model that does not have the new wide color p3 display.

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Set the sample rate for your project when you first create it. Higher sample rates result in less input monitoring latency. However, projects with higher sample rates create larger audio files, which can increase the load on the processor and the disk of your Mac.

Plug-ins also require more processing power at higher sample rates. However, smaller buffer sizes require more processing power, which can cause system overload alerts. Roundtrip latency is the total amount of input monitoring latency you'll experience from audio input to audio output.



Logic pro x input monitoring delay free -

    Adjusting the Buffer Size in Logic Pro X Monitoring input signals through Console will remain latency-free regardless of this setting. When using Direct Monitor you hear the audio from your recording source before it is passed to the computer, again without input latency in the. When recording audio or playing a software instrument in Logic Pro, you might experience a slight delay between playing or singing a note.


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