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Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts (Printable and practical cheat sheet) | Redokun Blog


Next to your M key, there is a comma ',', a period '. Those three keys are quite useful. Let's say I want the Fill, remember our shortcut, I want the Fill at the front. This is the X key we did earlier. Our Fill is at the front, so that's the thing that I'm dealing with. Now if I tap all three of those keys, the first one the comma gives it a Fill, which is not doing anything at the moment, but the period is giving it a Gradient, just kind of like adds Gradients.

The next one, forward slash, gives it no Fill. So what I use-- Gradients, it's a real easy one because-- surprisingly hard, you're like "I want to add a Gradient" and you're like, "Was there a Swatch somewhere, do I grab the Gradient tool, open the panel?

Now let's say I want to go back to a Fill color, I'm going to put in my comma ','. Comma goes back to the Fill color. Gives it no Fill. Goodbye, whale. Come back. So those little three keys next to each other. Let's go on to the next one. So next shortcut is the Shape Builder Tool. Hold 'Shift', I can just drag a box around them all. And it just kind of merges them all in like the Path Finder. Super handy. I'm going to undo.

I'm going to draw out a box, grab my 'Black Arrow'. And I want a few more. Kind of duplicates them out. I often do this when I want lines. I went through a phase of like having 80's lines of everything. So I'm going to give it a Stroke. Let's say I want to drag it down a little bit, so I'm going to select you, I'll drag it this way. The next shortcut is finding things underneath other things. Let's say I've got this on top of my whale. And you're like, "I want to get to the whale underneath," for whatever reason.

Let's say I've got the Opacity down, unless I'm doing some cool effects, but you need to get to the whale, but I can't, right? It's kind of hidden underneath this box. All you need to do to hold down, is grab your 'Selection Tool'. I kind of watch the icon, it changes a little bit. Click on it once, and you get this little weird chevron in there. It just means it's going to select through things. And let's say, now I can go and change the color of it. Even though it was hidden underneath.

And if you've got loads on top of each other you can just keep clicking, and it will all eventually get to a layer you need. If you need it at the front, you can go to 'Arrange', 'Bring to Front' or use your shortcut, which is 'Command Shift' and the square bracket, the close square bracket ']'.

That square bracket is up next to the 'P' key. Next shortcut is to do with text. If I select all this text, I want to make it bigger, I hold down the 'Command Shift' key, and hit the period '. Now comma ',' goes down. You're actually looking at those chevrons on the same keys but you get the idea, right? Up and down. Now Tracking, if I hold down the 'Option' key on a Mac, or the 'Alt' key on a PC, with this all selected, I can use my left and right arrows to open it up, or to track it in.

You can do a pure letter, say that you're worried about the spacing in here. Just hit the cursor flashing between the letter, hold down the 'Alt' key on a PC, 'Option' key on a Mac, left and right. Let's say you want to deal with the Leading. I'm going to select all of this and I'm going to use that same key, 'Alt' or 'Option' depending on your computer. And use up and down, rather than left and right, for tracking.

You can play around with the Leading. Let's look at the next shortcut. It's going to be holding down the 'Shift' key, it's more like a modified key. So if I select all of this, and I want to use my X and Y, the first trick I guess is in here, instead of just typing it in, just hit the 'up' and 'down'.

You can see, it just moves it left, or moves it up and down in terms of numbers rather than trying to type it in. What we can also do is hold down the 'Shift' key. They just kind of times whatever it is by So it's going up and down by 1 point, if I hold 'Shift', it goes by 10 points. It's just that quicker way of moving.

That works for all of them, if I click in here for the rotation, if I click 'up' once, just going to go up by 1 point, hold 'Shift', and it goes up by loads of Now that's for lots of things. If you're like, "Man, I wish for this to go faster," generally just hold the 'Shift' key, and do whatever you were doing, and it will go 10 times faster.

Another really handy one is, I've got my 'Black Arrow' selected, just got my whale selected, I'm just using my keyboard just to tap things around, but often it moves into bigger chunks for me. It's kind of too far.

I know it's only moving slightly but it's actually quite a big leap, left and right. So what you do is have nothing selected, click in the background and over here, where it says 'Keyboard Increment'. If you can't see this, if you're on an earlier version of Illustrator, jump into your 'Preferences', you'll find it in there.

I'm holding it down, and it's moving full steam but it's only a slight adjustment, but because of that modified key 'Shift' I can move it in those bigger chunks, right? I can move by 1 point if I need to, but mainly I want just a little tap, just tap, tap, tap. Next shortcut is, if you grab this Star Tool, it's underneath the Rectangle Tool. If you drag a star out before you let go of it, so I haven't let go of my star to make it, so I'm still drawing but if you use the up and down arrows just kind of adds more or less star patterns.

So just up and down, super easy. So now we have a star with no Fill. Good work, Dan. The next one you probably already know, is 'Command Tab'.

If you're on a PC, it's 'Control Tab' and it just toggles you between different programs that are open. I'm just holding down the 'Command' key, or the 'Control' key on a PC. It just kind of allows me to cycle through the programs so I can jump between Photoshop and Illustrator. Within any of the programs, so that works obviously for your whole system.

Let's say I open up a new document, and I want to toggle between these two. Deny Accept. Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts Printable and practical cheat sheet. Here are the ready-to-be-printed PDFs with the most important and used shortcuts:. Download guide - No email required. Share this article:. Download guide. Read by more than 10k people. Become an InDesign expert with weekly tips in your inbox curated by other experts. Thank you! You're in. Check your email! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

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